Milo C. Jones
Jones Dairy Farm
Milo C. Jones is credited with the inspiration for founding the Jones Dairy Farm. For the past
104 years, this company has thrived by producing high-quality pork sausage, which today is
recognized and respected all across the United States.
The Milo Jones Family moved from Vermont to Fort Atkinson in 1838. Dairy, grain, and stock
raising were their principal activities. In 1849, Milo C. Jones was born, and in time, joined his
father, Milo, as a dairyman. Cheese was their primary product, and they scratched out a living.
Like most Wisconsin dairy farms of that day, the Jones’ grew a few hogs which they slaughtered
on the farm three times a year.
Unfortunately, at the early age of 35, Milo C. Jones was stricken with arthritis — they called it
rheumatism in those days. Within a few years, he was badly crippled, so much so that he was
confined to a wheel chair. He could not work; he could not do anything. As he fretted about the
future and worried about the mortgage, the inspiration came to him that they should make pork
sausage commercially, using his mother’s delicious Vermont recipe. This was in 1889, and
sausage making operations started in the cheese room attached to the farmhouse.
Milo’s thrust to pork sausage was unique. Instead of pork trimmings, he made his sausage using
choice cuts of young pork — hams, loins, and shoulders. He made it the best he knew how. He
realized that there was a market for truly high-quality pork sausage.
From a business point of view, Milo brought several innovations to pork sausage marketing.
Instead of selling his product in bulk to meat markets, he packaged it in 1 lb. and 2 lb. units, first
using cloth bags and later paper packages. He wanted to establish a strong brand identity for his
Further, unlike most sausage makers of the day, Milo advertised heavily. In the early years, it
was direct mail advertising, but by the fall of 1903, he was advertising in national magazines.
Milo was well ahead of his time and his marketing innovations brought success to his company.
The Jones Dairy Farm is still a family-owned and family-managed company. After Milo C.
Jones’ death in 1919, he was followed as president by his daughter, Mary. She was followed as
president by her nephew, Alan Jones, in 1960 and then by his brother Edward Jones in the
1970’s, and now another Milo C. Jones (Alan’s son), who became president in 1983. This family
company is still making fine pork products as started by the original Milo C. Jones. He was
indeed a farsighted Wisconsin sausage pioneer.