Would you feed your pet lab-grown meat?

The use of cultivated meat goes beyond just humans. Pets could soon consume lab-grown meat as well!
Pet food–specifically cat and dog food–has shown to be responsible for up to 30% of meat production’s environmental impact. Lab-grown meat could reduce these impacts, making it an attractive potential alternative for many pet food companies.
London-based Good Dog Food is hoping to bring cultivated meat dog food to market in the next few years. The chief executive of Good Dog Food, Owen Ensor, states that lab-grown meat could use less water, electricity, and land than typical meat. Its development also can reduce agriculture-related deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity loss.
Cultivated meat seems to be a next step in sustainable consumption. Would you feed your pet lab-grown meat?
To learn more, check out this article from BBC.
This article was posted in Program Features.